Barclays // Social campaigns // Various 


Since 2018, I have worked across Barclays for a variety of stakeholders including Barclays UK, Barclaycard, Barclays Wealth, Barclays Private Bank, and many more, creating social assets, scripts, and longform articles.

I have included links to some examples of work as it went live below. I wanted to include a note here that, while I am able to guide and edit where I have visibility, as with any creative project, there are many stakeholders involved both agency and client-side, and I don’t always have control of what ultimately makes it onto the asset. For reference, I’ve also included my original proposed copy in this post, just so you can see what that process looks like, and get an insight into what my vision for the message and tone was.


I have been involved in developing Pride campaigns on behalf of the UK’s movement sponsors for the past five years. These campaigns touch on ideas and stories very close to my heart and are always a joy to work on.

This work has also ultimately been the foundation for an ambitious and very exciting DE&I project I am working on at the moment, which has involved working with Barclays colleagues in the UK, US, Europe, India, and Japan to create short documentary-style videos sharing their personal stories across pillars including LGBTQ+, Multigenerational, Multicultural, Socioeconomic, and Disability.


Scripting and social: Barclays x LGBT Foundation // Pride in Ageing  (Summer 2023)

When you think of Pride, you might think of parties, parades, glitter, rainbows 

And young people standing up and embracing who they really are. 

But it’s important to remember that LGBTQ+ people of all ages have unique stories to share  

Without the strong support systems that make the LGBTQ+ community what it is 

Many older people face isolation and discrimination as a direct result of their sexual orientation or gender identity 

The LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Ageing programme celebrates and supports LGBTQ+ people over 50 

Having lived through decades in a changing society 

Its participants have seen the highs and lows of life as a member of the community 

Are living witnesses to how far we’ve come 

And have important perspectives on the work we have left to do. 

In partnership with the LGBT Foundation,

Throughout June we’re proud to be shining the spotlight on some of the inspiring LGBTQ+ voices 

Who walked so that we could run. 

Happy Pride.

Pride doesn’t have an age limit.

In partnership with LGBT Foundation, throughout June we shared incredible stories told by LGBTQ+ colleagues from across the organisation.

#pride #prideinageing #lgbtq

LGBTQ+ people have always existed.

In partnership with LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Ageing campaign, Pauline shares her story.

#pride #prideinageing #lgbtq

Everyone deserves to be in charge of their own narrative.

 In partnership with LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Ageing campaign, Mindy shares her story.

#pride #prideinageing #lgbtq

Older LGBTQ+ people have lived through some incredible highs and some crushing lows. In partnership with LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Ageing campaign, Norman and Tony share their stories.

#pride #prideinageing #lgbtq

More from Pride

At Barclays, Pride doesn’t end when June does. As the people trusted to organise this important and historic event, we never underestimate the power of our position - and what it means when it comes to our hiring decisions. 

We welcome, support and celebrate our LGBTQ+ colleagues - and promise to do everything in our power to make sure they can bring their whole selves to work.

He/him. She/her. They/them. Pronouns may be just a few letters, but to some of us, they mean everything. We encourage our colleagues and customers to be mindful and respectful of each other’s pronouns – after all, if you don’t know, you can ask. #withpride 

Sometimes casual comments can be harmful to the person they’re directed at – even when the intention is good. We’re only human – and it’s hard to say the right thing 100% of the time, but we encourage our customers and colleagues to stay open and willing to learn and grow. Words matter. #withpride 

Gender identity 

Sometimes gender identity, expression and sexuality are linked – often, they’re not. We encourage our colleagues to stay open-minded, avoid assumptions, and treat one another as the individuals we all are. #withpride 


Connect with Pride  
As a Stonewall Top 50 UK employer, inclusivity is central to our working culture. We nurture it by building dedicated networks where our colleagues can connect - and providing resources and training for those who wish to be better allies. #withpride 

March with Pride 
We’ve been proud sponsors of Pride in London since 2014. As events around the world continue to gather momentum, we show up with love and march together year after year, empowering our LGBTQ+ community to make sure no one feels alone. #withpride 

Hire with Pride  
Acting #withPride means working harder than ever to remove barriers in employment, giving people access to the opportunities needed to progress and grow – regardless of gender identity, sexuality, cultural background or physical ability.  

Speak with Pride  
From working with Team Pride to ensure visibility in sport to supporting marriage equality bills, we work hard to speak up for the LGBTQ+ community, raising awareness of the challenges they face and sharing their stories wherever we can. 

Other examples of work

TikTok launch

Insights articles


Travel Wallet


Building the House of Dreams


GHD // Social campaigns // Various